Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Knowing I'll Be In Good Hands
Amazing Voice Changer
Hospital Stories
Time Flies So Fast!
Presents for Him and Her
FaceBook Rocks!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Stress Free Your Christmas
Exercise is Good for Health
Kidney Biopsy and Episode of Rejection
Friday, December 10, 2010
It Was Like Magic!
My Unfulfilled Dream
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Read the Review First!
Everything Should Starts at Home
Is It Allergy or Cough?
Paying Attention/Focus
Friday, November 19, 2010
Happier than Ever!
Thanksgiving Dinner
Christmas Plans
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Plenty of Space
Important Things Everyone Should Know
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Busy As A Bee
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Medicine Cabinets
Excited For Vacation
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Visiting friends at Church
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Need to Insure Our Laptop
New Walking Shoes for Me
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Seasonal Allergy
Weed pollen is the main cause of seasonal allergy in the late summer and early fall. Depending on the area of North America, these weeds include ragweed, sagebrush, pigweed, tumbleweed (Russian thistle) and cockle bur.
In some areas of the world, some trees can pollinate in the fall as well.
- Keep windows closed prevent pollens from drifting into your home
- Minimize early morning activity when pollen is usually emitted-between 5-10 a.m.
- Keep your car windows closed when traveling.
- Stay indoors when the pollen count is reported to be high, and on windy days when pollen may be present in higher amounts in the air
- Take a vacation during the height of the pollen season to a more pollen-free area, such as the beach or sea.
- Avoid mowing the lawn and freshly cut grass
- Machine dry bedding and clothing. Pollen may collect in laundry if it is hung outside to dry.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Best Weight Loss Supplement
Natural Healing Oil for My Skin Tags
Anyway, my brother has quite a few of it on the same spot like mine. Little that I know of, he has been searching the net looking for a safe and natural way to remove it without the help of a skin specialist. He found a natural healing oil that can help remove the skin tags. That was a good news for both of us! This oil is a little bit expensive, but very effective. I wonder whether the website that sell this natural healing oil also sells natural male enhancement products. Okay, just curious, lol! I think I better check the site out to see what other natural products they offer.
Woke Up with Laryngitis
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the voice box, or larynx, that causes your voice to become raspy or hoarse.
Laryngitis can be short-term or long-lasting (chronic). Most of the time, it comes on quickly and lasts no more than 2 weeks.
Chronic symptoms are those that last 2 weeks or longer. Check with your doctor if your symptoms last more than 2 weeks, because your laryngitis may be caused by more severe problems.
What causes laryngitis?
Laryngitis can be caused by:
- Colds or flu. This is the most common cause.
- Acid reflux also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This type of laryngitis is also called reflux laryngitis.
- Overuse of your voice, such as cheering at a sports event.
- Irritation, such as from allergies or smoke.
Inexpensive Office Furniture
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Children's Best Vitamins
His Hernia Needs to be Removed
A hernia is the protrusion[1] of an organ or the fascia of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it. A hiatal hernia occurs when the stomach protrudes into the mediastinum through the esophageal opening in the diaphragm.
By far the most common herniae develop in the abdomen, when a weakness in the abdominal wall evolves into a localized hole, or "defect", through which adipose tissue, or abdominal organs covered with peritoneum, may protrude. Another common hernia involves the spinal discs and causes sciatica.
Herniae may or may not present either with pain at the site, a visible or palpable lump, or in some cases by more vague symptoms resulting from pressure on an organ which has become "stuck" in the hernia, sometimes leading to organ dysfunction. Fatty tissue usually enters a hernia first, but it may be followed by or accompanied by an organ.
Most of the time, herniae develop when pressure in the compartment of the residing organ is increased, and the boundary is weak or weakened.
Exercise, the Safest Fat Burner!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Tens Units
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Shydub's First Blog Giveaway
Now for the fun part. One lucky winner will win a $35 worth of Gift Certificate from CSN Stores that you can use to buy awesome stuff at CSN Stores. You use it to buy Proctor-Silex 6.5 Qt Roaster Oven for $34.99 which is very useful in the kitchen. And since Thanksgiving is approaching Im sure you will need one of this for your turkey. This is open to US and Canadian residents only.
Here's how to join:
Mandatory: Visit the CSN Stores and tell us what you would purchase if you win the certificate. Leave a comment in this post.
1. Subscribe and follow the blogs Oh! GoSh Goodies and In Pursuit of Success .
2. Add the blogs Oh! GoSh Goodies and In Pursuit of Success to your blogroll.
3. Enter the Giveaway going on in Shopping List & Product Review. Leave a comment telling me that you entered her giveaway.
Bloggers that don't live in US or Canada are also welcome to join the giveaway. If you win I will give $25 cash as special prizevia paypal instead of the Gift Certificate.
This contest starts today Oct. 5 and will end on October 31, 2010 at 9:00 am EST. Winner will be chosen at and contacted via email. Please be sure to leave an email address in your comment. Good luck and Enjoy!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Shop for Insurance Online
He is Skeptical
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Take the Pink Ribbon Challenge
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Automotive And Auto repair Shop
We Love Our New House
When we were in the process of buying a new house, we got the chance to go to the showroom and pick whatever we want to put into it including the light fixtures, and the kitchen cabinets and of course the garden tub in the master bath. I chose to upgrade the shower head into a double shower head instead of the standard one they normally put in there. Then when it was time to decorate the house, I put a finishing touches like floral bath towels and a shower-stool for me since I am not tall enough to reach the shower head. So far, hubby and I like our new house and so as the community where we live. We are really close to church, school, shopping area, dentist, and friends.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Seasonal Allergy Attacks My Son
Friday, September 17, 2010
Outer Banks, North Carolina
Fast Weight Loss Program
Caring for Oily Skin
Moisturizing Night Cream
Shopping at Costco
Few Simple Things to Speed up Metabolism
Catching sleep may help you stay slim, reveals research presented at the annual American Thoracic Society meeting in San Diego. In the study of more than 68,000 women, those who slept seven hours weighed 5.5 pounds less than women who slept five hours or less. Pulling frequent all-nighters may slow your metabolism, impairing your body’s ability to utilize food and nutrients as energy so they get stored as fat instead, scientists say.
2. Stressing out
When you’re on edge, you’re likely to sleep less and eat more, which can affect your thyroid, a gland that produces hormones which regulate metabolism, body temperature, heart rate and more. If your thyroid’s not producing enough of those hormones, it can slow your metabolism and other body functions, leading to weight gain, depression and fatigue. Take time for yourself daily to keep both your thyroid and metabolism humming at optimal levels.
3. Skipping breakfast
Missing a morning meal is the worst thing you can do. It slows metabolism and depletes your body of the fuel it needs to function optimally. Remember, what you eat matters as much as the fact that you eat something. Try to start each day with a breakfast that contains at least 5 grams of protein, which activates the production of norepinephrine, a neurochemical that increase heart rate and alertness. The nutrient also digests slowly, so blood sugar and energy levels stay stable. Try an omelet made with 4 egg whites, 1/2 cup chopped broccoli, 1/4 cup chopped onion and 1 oz lowfat shredded cheese; it delivers an impressive 22 g protein per serving.
4. Staying seated
Get out of that chair! Staying on your feet revs metabolism and doubles your calorie burn during workdays, a study in Diabetes reports. Sitting for a few hours switches off enzymes that capture fat in the bloodstream, but standing up and getting active reignites them. Surrender your seat when possible (e.g., during phone calls) to start reaping benefits.
5. Eating junk food
Junk food might stimulate a gene that encourages your body to store excess fat, causing you to gain weight over time, a study in The FASEB Journal reveals. (In the study, mice without the troublemaking gene had 45 percent lower body fat after eating a high-fat and high-sugar diet for 16 weeks compared to critters with the gene who ate the same diet.) Quell a sweet craving with berries or an orange: They’re high in vitamin C, a nutrient that can help you sizzle up to 30 percent more fat during exercise, suggests research from Arizona State University at Mesa.
6. Falling into a workout rut
Weight loss can stall along the way partly because you get smaller. As you shrink, there is less of you to provide energy for, so you actually start to need fewer calories. These plateaus can last weeks, so rather than get frustrated, try new work outs or ways to eat healthy to keep your metabolism going strong and your body burning even more calories than before.
7. Dodging the weight room
Although cardio sessions turn up the heat and burn big-time calories (which is why I run, bike or swim most mornings and still enjoy dessert!), lifting weights helps you build calorie-burning lean muscle, says Jeffrey Garber, M.D., author of The Harvard Medical School Guide to Overcoming Thyroid Problems (McGraw-Hill). And with more lean muscle, you extend the burn to when you’re just sitting at your desk or in the car. Add weight- bearing exercises like planks, lunges, squats and tricep dips to your workouts three times a week, and you’ll see toning results like you’ve never experienced before!
Source: Yahoo Health
Shopping for Weight Loss Supplements
We Bonded Well
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Acne Treatment System
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Great House, Great Price!
My Annual Medical Exams
Saturday, September 11, 2010
My Concerns on Working Outside Home
Monday, September 6, 2010
Eat These 7 Foods to Fight Stress
Half a medium papaya carries nearly 75 percent more vitamin C than an orange, and provides potent protection against stress. Researchers at the University of Alabama found 200 milligrams of vitamin C—about as much as you’ll find in one large papaya—twice a day nearly stopped the flow of stress hormones in rats.
Peppermint Tea
The mere scent of peppermint helps you focus and boosts performance, according to researchers. Another study discovered that peppermint tea makes drivers more alert and less anxious.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are loaded with stress-busting potential thanks to high levels of magnesium. Only about 30 percent of us meet our daily magnesium requirements, placing the rest of us at a higher risk for stress symptoms such as headaches, anxiety, tension, fatigue, insomnia, nervousness and high blood pressure.
The healthy fats buried in the avocado’s flesh make it an ideal choice when you’re craving something rich and creamy. The reasons? Monounsaturated (healthy) fatty acids, and potassium--both of which help combat high blood pressure. Avocado fat is 66 percent monounsaturated.
Not only does omega-3 fat protect against heart disease and cognitive decline, but according to a study from Diabetes & Metabolism, the wonder fat is also responsible for maintaining healthy levels of cortisol.
The almond's first stress-buster is the aforementioned monounsaturated fats, but at risk of belaboring that point, let’s look at another almond-centered, mind-calming nutrient: vitamin E. In one study, Belgium researchers treated pigs with a variety of nutrients just before sticking them in a transportation simulator (basically a vibrating crate).
A biochemical effect of stress is a depleted stock of serotonin, the hormone that makes you feel cool, calm, and in control. One reliable strategy for boosting serotonin back to healthy levels is to increase your intake of carbohydrates.
Safety and Security
Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. Common stress reactions include tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, and a variety of physical symptoms that include headache and a fast heartbeat.
It's almost impossible to live without some stress. And most of us wouldn't want to, because it gives life some spice and excitement. But if stress gets out of control, it may harm your health, your relationships, and your enjoyment of life.
Stress can be a very difficult feeling to overcome, if not treated correctly. Stress is an overload of complicated information that a person tries to register and accept.Here are some different life events that are identified as stressful. They are rated on the "Holmes-Raye" scale, which scores them according to the stress they cause (the higher the number, the greater the stress).
* Death of a spouse - 100 points
* Divorce - 73 points
* Marriage - 50 points
* Pregnancy - 40 points
* Buying a house - 31 points
* Christmas - 12 points
Symptoms of stress:
# Changes in body functions and physical health
# Changes in emotions and feelings
# Changes in behavior
# Changes in thoughts
Fashionable and Affordable Sunglasses
Speaking of sunglasses, hubby and I have collected many sunglasses over years. Don't get me wrong but these sunglasses are inexpensive and therefore they break easily. I have been telling my husband that we need to stop buying cheap sunglasses for we are not rally saving money at all. I told him that we need to get each one a pair that will last a long time. Something expensive but durable. I think I know where to buy one. I saw this julbo sunglasses (picture attached) online and fell in love with it. It looks fashionable, durable and affordable compare to other brand name sunglasses.
24 Hour Urine Collection
Renal function, in nephrology, is an indication of the state of the kidney and its role in renal physiology. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) describes the flow rate of filtered fluid through the kidney. Creatinine clearance rate (CCr or CrCl) is the volume of blood plasma[1] Both GFR and CCr may be accurately calculated by comparative measurements of substances in the blood and urine, or estimated by formulas using just a blood test result (eGFR and eCCr). that is cleared of creatinine per unit time and is a useful measure for approximating the GFR. Creatinine clearance exceeds GFR due to creatinine secretion which can be blocked by cimetidine. Alternatively, over estimation by older serum creatinine methods resulted in an under-estimation of creatinine clearance which provided a less biased estimate of GFR.
The results of these tests are important in assessing the excretory function of the kidneys. For example, grading of chronic renal insufficiency and dosage of drugs that are primarily excreted via urine are based on GFR (or creatinine clearance).
It is commonly believed to be the amount of liquid filtered out of the blood that gets processed by the kidneys. Physiologically, these quantities (volumetric blood flow and mass removal) are only related loosely.
He Loves Music
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Pets are Good for Our health
Pets are cute and cuddly, but what are their real benefits? Here are just a few of the ways pets can help you out:
~~ Pets protect against allergies.This may come as a surprise to many people, but children raised in families with pets are far less likely to have allergies and as they get older.
Source: LDS Living Magazine
Friday, August 27, 2010
My Son Suffers School Anxiety
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Iron Man Costume for my Son
Friday, August 13, 2010
Bitter Gourd for Anemia
In the Philippines, where it is known as ampalayá, bitter melon is used in many dishes. It may be stir-fried with ground beef and oyster sauce, or with eggs and diced tomato. A very popular dish from the Ilocos region in the north of Luzon island is pinakbet, which consists mainly of bitter melons, eggplant, okra, string beans, tomatoes, lima beans, and other various regional vegetables altogether stewed with a little bagoong- based stock. The young shoots and leaves of the bitter melon may also be eaten as greens; these are locally called dahon ng ampalayá (lit. "leaf of bitter melon").
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Having Fun with Friends
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
He is Excited to Join the Team
Housewarming Party
It is considered proper etiquette to invite guests at least a few days, and up to 3 weeks, in advance.
* A housewarming party may be thrown upon completion of renovation or remodel.
* A housewarming party may be presented as an "open house" where people are free to come and go during a fixed window of time on a given day.
* A housewarming may involve a potluck meal.
* Some people invite all of their new neighbors to their housewarming. This allows the hosts to meet their new community.
* In some communities, neighbors may bring the housewarming party to the new residents to welcome them.
* While people try to host a housewarming party within the first 3 months, a lot of people wait until they are completely settled in. The time frame is flexible, and a party can qualify as a housewarming anytime after the move-in date.