Tuesday, January 31, 2012

His Heart is Broken

Posted by Cecile at 1/31/2012 06:12:00 PM 0 comments
Today, my son's heart was broken when he went to school to only to be told that the 'storybook parade' at his school was rescheduled. He looked forward to this school activity, but ended up disappointed. He even cried! I just don't understand why this school couldn't fixed their problem scheduling thing. Now, the said parade is now scheduled for next week. I hope Jacob would still have a nice time at school today.

With regards to me, I am feeling better now that my PMS is almost over. I still don't have appetite though. I want to eat just for the sake of eating but don't know what would please my appetite. I went back to sleep after my son went to school. I had another 2 and a half hour of nap. Now, Matt is back to work and wouldn't be home till later tonight. It seems that he likes his work schedule now. The only consolation I got is that he would go with us on Saturday morning activity before going to work, better than nothing :-).

Monday, January 30, 2012

Global Businesses Succeed through Web Conferencing

Posted by Cecile at 1/30/2012 06:26:00 PM 1 comments

Most businesses these days flourish even if company executives and staff are scattered all across the globe. Do you have an idea how these companies survive and still emerge successful? That’s because of modern technology that lets them discuss everything related to business in real time. Majority of these companies utilize web conferencing from ActConferencing.com to ensure that their online meetings are convenient, efficient, and always successful in spite of the distance that separates everyone else.

It’s Wiser to Lease Business Equipment for a Startup Company

Posted by Cecile at 1/30/2012 06:24:00 PM 0 comments

Part of planning for a business is to study what type of equipment you might need to get the business started or functioning. However, if you have a small capital, you can’t expect to buy all the equipment you need. What you need is to find a company that would be willing to finance small business equipment for you and would guarantee fast approvals. This is very important so that you can get your business started right away and start earning returns on your investment.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Not So Happy Day

Posted by Cecile at 1/27/2012 06:15:00 PM 0 comments
Today was hubby's first day to work on swing shift which ia from 12noon to 12am. It would be beneficial for him because he gets to sleep at night instead of morning where everyone is awake. I didn't really approved of his choice to work on a swing shift because it means no more Saturday family bonding time...less time with Jacob and no time to help the moving in and out of members in the Kaufman ward. He said that this new schedule is just a trial; that if it didn't work the schedule will be back to the way it was. I am crossing my fingers on that.

Anyway, with regards to my day, I had fun with my friends. Today was our girls day out. Went to another friend's house to have a pedicure and manicure, ate lunch and went to the mall with our kids afterward. Jacob had fun at school as well as at the play place at the mall with Aaron. The only thing that happened with me today which I am not happy about is that I feel weak and my PMS is very heavy. I am pretty sure that my blood count is low again.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Valentines Gifts for Wives

Posted by Cecile at 1/23/2012 08:29:00 PM 0 comments
Valentines Day is fast approaching and I am excited about it. The only occasion where hubby and I get the chance to go for a date without our son, lol. Part of the occasion is I would get a gift from my husband. He buys me a gift that I like aside from flowers and dinner date. I know I have a website where husbands can buy gifts for their wives. Anyway, I will tease my husband this silly question  "where are you going to buy a gift for your wife for Valentines Day? He'll probably laugh. Seriously, I need to know this time because if he hadn't decided yet, then I can tell him the website I have found online :-).

Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Parents Health is Important to Me, too!

Posted by Cecile at 1/07/2012 12:26:00 AM 0 comments
Yesterday I have found out that my mother was admitted to the hospital due to her so much coughing that led to no appetite, fever and weak body. I was very worried that I started praying for her a lot. I was in constant communication with my brothers who are taking care of her. Today, I learned that she is feeling much better now and is going home today. I thank God for the answered prayers. When it comes to health, I worry so much about my parents health than mine though I am sicker than they. They are getting old and is prone to sicknesses. I just wished that I am around them to take care of them personally, but I can't. I am million miles away from them; and I am grateful for my siblings are there to look after our parent's need. Health is one of the most important things I worry a lot...and so I make sure that they are taken care of even when I am away from them. Anyway, am glad that I could be of help for them financially and emotionally when they needed them most. Yes, I do love my folks so much!

Problems with Homeownership

Posted by Cecile at 1/07/2012 12:16:00 AM 0 comments
Posted by Gaylord Campbell

My sister is moving into her first house! I am so excited for her. The first house is the best. I still remember when I moved into my first house. I was so happy to be out of an apartment. I think I could have moved into anything resembling a house and been happy. When you move into your first house, you don’t think about all the little things. All the little things don’t matter: the crooked tile in the bathroom, the uneven floors or the lack of electrical outlets. All these things seem silly until you have lived there a few years. Then you start wondering why you didn’t have the contractor fix all the little things before you moved it. You wonder why you never had a ADT Ft. Worth security system installed. You even wonder why you let these things go so long without bothering you. Then you start looking for another house, better than the one you are in now. And the cycle goes on again. I am still happy for my sister and I hope she enjoys the best few years of home ownership.

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