Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We've Found A TV Stand

Posted by Cecile at 2/23/2011 04:48:00 PM 0 comments
When we move back to TX from VA, we have given away a lot of stuffs to our neighbors and friends due to overflowing moving container. We couldn't fit all our stuffs and so even though we wanted to keep our favorite tv stand, we have to give it away to my brother in law who lives in NC. We also gave them the water dispenser, an our couches. Kitchen furniture are sold to a consignment store/used furniture shop. Tons of stuffs are donated to Good Will as well.

It's been two years and we still haven't find a replacement for for fave tv stand, till one day while surfing online. I came across a website where they sell wide selections of flat panel tv stands. It was amazing how many furniture they offer from bedroom furniture to living room furniture! Finally, I've found the one the we were looking for. Now, all we need to do is save we can get them sooner than we have planned.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our New PCP, Dr. Rice

Posted by Cecile at 2/22/2011 07:32:00 PM 0 comments
Finally, we found a new PCP near home. Hubby and I met our new doctor by the name of Dr. Rice. We really like him because he was like our old one except he is a Caucasian and the old one is an Asian (Vietnamese). Since Matt and I are diabetic (Type2), we are happy to know that he is Internist, too just like Dr. Triue. He can help us manage our blood sugar; yay! Matt talked about his boil, cyst and umbilical cord hernia and was given new prescprition meds and stocking for edema on his legs. I got new prescrition for my blood sugar...insulin (quick release) that I need to take before each meal on top of my once a day lantus. I am very positive that this new prescription is going to work well with my blood sugar management. Also found out that a Filipino works there; it is always nice to meet fellow Pinoy anywhere.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Not Just An Ordinary Weight Loss Product

Posted by Cecile at 2/19/2011 12:44:00 AM 0 comments
Modern technology has come a long way when it comes to electronic gadgets. We have computer and internet we can use to make our life much easier. I like that I can read and learn a lot by just using a computer. I can read, shop, pay bills, shop, and talk with my family who lives so far away from me. Isn't it amazing? I don't need to go somewhere to find a pill called adderall; this adderall weight loss is a product that can help you lose weight while boosting your energy and strength. I think I need to try this one to see if this really works!

Health is Wealth

Posted by Cecile at 2/19/2011 12:30:00 AM 0 comments
Two weeks ago while attending the Stake Conference at Forney chapel, I couldn't help but notice this couple who were seating in front of me. They are morbidly obese and need to lose weight fast to avoid health complications later in life. A diet and regular exercise would help if they are determined to lose weight. They also need to take the best fat burners they could find in the market today! As the saying goes, 'health is wealth'. You don't need to have plenty of money to be healthy...all you need is you healthy body. So take care of it for it is a gifts from God. I bet my

Teacher Reviews

Posted by Cecile at 2/19/2011 12:09:00 AM 0 comments
Hubby and I are very protective of our only child. We would do whatever we can to keep him safe, warm, happy and away from the bad influences of the outside world. We wanted to give him good education and safe environment. Unfortunately, despite of all the effort we put into protecting him, somehow a problem or two accompanies us. For instance, we don't like our son's men and immature teacher. Everyone in the school are very nice and friendly except her. She yells on kids, even ignored them and and very impatient on top of anger management that needs to be addressed with. Sometimes hubby and I thinks that if teacher can grade their pupils, parents too should be able to grade or review teacher behavior towards the pupils just like we can write reviews for certain products like diet pills or even prenatal vitamin reviews, everything's would be okay. We are sure that our child/children's effective teachers and mentors. A safe and healthy environment is what our children's needs.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Career On Business Management

Posted by Cecile at 2/18/2011 11:42:00 PM 0 comments
Back when I was a little girl, my cousin and I used to talk about our dreams. My dream is to become a successful nurse while she wanted to become a manager of her own business someday. her dream didn't materialize due to poverty and same thing with me. Now, that we are older...our respective dreams were switch; she became a nurse and I wanted to someday put my own business. I didn't go to college though to take Business Management class. I ended a homemaker who manages everything in my household, lol. Anyway, my niece is in college now taking BSBA and is hoping to also take mba management class after graduating from college two years from now. Her older sister has graduated from college and now works at Toyota as a Junior Accountant. They are making their parents be proud of them by studying hard and working hard.

Getting Rid Of Clutter is Easy

Posted by Cecile at 2/18/2011 11:25:00 PM 0 comments
This coming month of May Heartland is going to have its second annual community yard sale and I couldn't wait to get rid of our clutters. When I say about clutters, I mean old clothes, kitchenware, outdated furniture, toys, outdated books, old video tapes, and knick knacks that are difficult to clean. Hubby and I decided to make our home spacious and clutters free. Getting of those stuffs are very easy. How I wished that I could get rid of stomach fat as easy as that, but no! It will takes months and even year to do that. Why is it that it is easier to gain weight than losing it? Can somebody tell me?

Clean and Fresh Looking Skin

Posted by Cecile at 2/18/2011 11:00:00 PM 0 comments
Caring for my skin is one thing I think I am good at for I don't really use expensive skin care products to make it looks clean and blemish free. I clean my face twice a day and put moisturizers on it afterward. So far, my face still looks clean and without blemish. My secret....natural skin care products that are inexpensive and yet mild and gentle to my skin. I like that it has no strong smell. My skin always smells clean and fresh as what hubby always says :-). Natural skin care products has no harsh ingredients that could irritate my skin that is why I still used the same skin care products for my skin and face.

I Want Simple Things In Life

Posted by Cecile at 2/18/2011 10:00:00 PM 0 comments
During the first two year of our marriage, hubby gives me jewelries for presents. I like them but never wear them. Being a simple woman, I don't like very fancy jewelries. Why? Because I feel like it doesn't fits me. I came from a poor family of six and was used to wearing simple earrings and simple wrist watch. If you see me right now, you will notice that I wear the same earrings, rings, watch and necklace every time I go out, and these are the jewelries I bought for myself when I was still single working in Malaysia. My Aunt whom I used to work with is the opposite of me. She wears expensive jewelries in pure gold and diamonds. During one of her birthday, her husband gave her the most expensive Black Diamond Jewelry I've even seen! My Aunt was so spoiled...for he loves her so much! While she was happy admiring her new jewelry, I couldn't help but think of the needy relatives we have back home. They got nothing but enough food on their plates and each other, and yet are still happy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jake has Coughs and Cold

Posted by Cecile at 2/16/2011 10:40:00 PM 0 comments
When I picked my son up to school last week, he told me he wasn't feeling well. He said he was coughing a lot at school. So, I've put my hand on his forehead and sure enough he has fever! Good thing it was already Friday and he has enough time to recuperate before Monday. My poor little boy is sicked again :-(. He was supposed to help me with his Valentine's treat for his classmates but didn't have enough energy. He laid down on the couch and boom, he is asleep!

As you can see, he st ii tried to pose and smile for Mommy though he was sick. Thank goodness, before Monday fever is finally gone. He still coughs but I think it is because of the pollen.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

On Credit Cards

Posted by Cecile at 2/12/2011 09:03:00 AM 0 comments
Two years ago hubby and I decided to stop using our credit cards unless it is an emergency. By so doing we can manage our finances wisely and at the same time free ourselves from debt. I must admit, credit cards have helped us a lot in the past and we are grateful for that. For now, we wanted to limit the use of credit cards and use cash and even debit card in our purchases. Having no credit card bills to pay every single month give us peace and comfort.

Friday, February 4, 2011

One Fine Day at Chuck E Cheese's

Posted by Cecile at 2/04/2011 11:49:00 AM 0 comments
It was a parent and teacher's conference this Monday which means no school. So after the conference around 10am, hubby, son and I went to Chuck E Cheese's for some family fun and bonding. We had so much fun for there weren't many people yet when we got there. I played mostly the basketball and bowling that made me feel good because I sweat a lot. It felt like I did exercise for at least 30 minutes.

Having a great time with Daddy!
The roller coaster ride...!
Playing with the toys he got from the tickets we accumulated from/while playing :-).
It's pizza time....!

Just me...!

We had of course pizza for lunch. We headed for some shopping at the outlet mall nearby. Went to Best Buy where I saw the laptop I like, JC Penney for some great deals on purses, clothes and shoes. Oh, how I love clearance sale. Don't you?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Quadratic Equation and Travel Vacation

Posted by Cecile at 2/03/2011 09:55:00 PM 1 comments
Online Schooling - Quadratic Equation

Source:Online Schooling

Source:Online ClassesTravel and Vacation Statistics

Posted by Cecile at 2/03/2011 09:32:00 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weight Loss and Scales

Posted by Cecile at 2/02/2011 08:12:00 PM 0 comments
I always look forward to weekends where my family and I spend more time bond and just be with each other doing things we all love to do and enjoy. Last Saturday, we planned on going at Canton (First Monday) with our family friends, but unfortunately, they got sicked that day. So the planned was postponed and we ended taking our son to his skating lesson. After an hour of practice, we went ahead and visited our sicked friends, and then headed to our other friend's house to drop the puzzles, lighting kit and the scales we no longer use. My friend need a scale at home since she is trying to lose weight.Hubby on the other hand bought a new digital scale for us; it was fancy and not cheap, but what can I say...for I like it, too! Scale is something we need at home so we can monitor our weight.

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