Monday, April 19, 2010

New URL for this Blog!

Posted by Cecile at 4/19/2010 11:04:00 AM 0 comments
It's been months since I created this health blog of mine, but never get indexed by Google no matter how much I work on it. Maybe it will be ranked if I change the URL into a domain one. And so, I did switch it to its own domain just now. Let us see if this will get Mr G's attention :-).

The new URL of this is: Please if you happen to add the blog link, please use this one instead of the old blogger one which was: Thank you so much and welcome to my sixth and newest, and hopefully the last blog I will create.

To all my friends, please update the old link to the new one. Thanks!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cough and Colds Medication for Diabetic

Posted by Cecile at 4/17/2010 05:04:00 PM 0 comments

I have been coughing every night now for a week; I thought it was just an allergy, but I was wrong! This morning, it was bad because it was couple with a sore throat and runny nose. Thanks to my son who is kind enough to share with me his cough and colds. We are now coughing, but it doesn't seems to bother him at all; but it bothers me. Anyway, I haven't given him any medication yet...and I have not taken any myself. I know as a diabetic person, I should be careful for what medications I put in my mouth. Sandy told me that I can take OTC medicaion like Robitussin CF which it is also good because is sugar and PPA free. It has been re-formulated to be PPA free, and now contains pseudoephedrine instead. The other active ingredient is dextromethorphan, and together, this preparation helps to suppress cough and also helps to expectorate (which means it makes the bringing up of phlegm easier). Robitussin CF is sugar free and alcohol free. It should be used with caution in patients with high blood pressure or heart disease, and should be avoided in patients on MAOIs. This medication is not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers. Same thing with Benylin Adult which is sugar and alcohol free, and provides some relief from a non-productive (dry) cough. The active ingredient in this formula is Dextromethorphan. Though hubby told me it doesn't really going to help suppress my coughing...he thinks...I still plan of going to the pharmacy and bought one for myself. Sometimes, I call my husband a doctor because he has his own opinions with medicines which I don't usually listen and follow.

Updates Coming Soon!

Posted by Cecile at 4/17/2010 04:27:00 PM 0 comments
To all my readers or at least readers of this blog; thanks a lot for continued visit and support :-). I know I haven't updated it lately due to my busy schedules. With our lease coming over very soon and the packing and working with the home builders, I have no time to update it...and so I thought of transferring all my post here to my other blogs since this blog has been waiting to be approved by the Entrecard for months now, but still no response from them still. Seeing comments and visits from bloggers and friends alike, I decided to keep it. As you can see, this was updated like three weeks ago....that span of time, many things happened, and so I need to catch up and remember what took place for three weeks. I think I can do that! Hoping to see more visitors :-)!

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